Thursday, 24 September 2015

Our basic narrative

For our short film, we have come up with a basic narrative that we will work around.

Scene 1
A homeless person is begging on the street and people walk by and don't give them any money until one person walks past and puts a £10 note in their pot.
The homeless person then goes into a shop and going against the stereotype of homeless people using their money for alcohol/drugs, she will purchase a loaf of bread etc, and hand over the £10 note to the cashier.
Standing behind the homeless person in the queue is a man looking sketchy. He then receives the change for his items which is the £10 note.

Scene 2
The man who received the £10 note as change, is then seen coming out of a room zipping up his trousers, followed by a girl not much older than 15. He then tosses her the £10 note.
The girl then returns home to her mother, who is clearly abusive and snatches the £10 note off her daughter, making her upset.

Scene 3
The mother who snatched the £10 note from her daughter is then seen meeting a drug dealer - buying cocaine with the £10 note.
The drug dealer is then walking along the street, and walks past the original homeless person. He debates in his mind whether to give the homeless person the money and after a few moments, decides to drop it in his pot, acting as another counter type.

This is our narrative so far, but we plan to develop these ideas as the process continues.

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